Click on the image above to join our class. The click debit or credit card for paypal
Class is on Thursday Online Only 7 p.m. to 9 p.m Pacific Standard Time.
Samadhi Sunday is Online only 10 am to 12 noon Pacific Standard Time
We are in San Diego California United States of America
Contact Us- universalcorehealing@gmail.com
If you have any questions about our class you can text our class coordinator at Angela (714) 222-8835. Text only, please. We do answer voice calls. Due to the automation of scam calls. Please state your name and city where you texting from along with any questions you have.
Class Descriptions
Thursday Class =Reveal, Heal, and Awaken Your Clairvoyant Psychic Self!– Class open to all that want to learn. This class is ongoing. Students are at different levels. Most if not all of our students have over 5-7 years of attendance. We are like a spiritual family. We locate, Identify, and heal our energy blocks in class. aka karmic imprints. Sometimes Tony the healing medium does a healing on someone in class, but not always. Which in turn opens up to receiving advanced states of higher consciousness if you desire. We study and practice all stages of advanced psychic development training with an emphasis on Evidential Mediumship and channeling. This Class is only for people who want to learn the absolute truth about healing themselves and how to obtain higher consciousness rapidly and accurately.
Samadhi Sunday= is included for free to all current and past students. It is our version of going to church. Sometimes there is a little carryover from a particular subject matter from Thursday’s class. Tony the healing medium channels a short sermon or lecture. Answers some questions from students. Sometimes healings are done. Then we practice trance meditation. “Samadhi” Our way of meditation is different than most other spiritualist. We go into a state of “trance” where we interact with higher interdimensional beings of different dimensional vibrations, aka vibrational tonal scales.
Class Cost
$25 per Thursday Class-Samadhi Sunday is free to current and past students. 4 class purchase required to join=$100