World’s Most Powerful Third Eye Activation

Expanding your Consciousness doesn’t have to take a lifetime.  Reaching Super Consciousness requires accurately healing and opening your third eye chakra.  Obtaining higher consciousness doesn’t have to take a lifetime either with Universal Core Healing third eye healing events.  In this video, tony invites a few of his dedicated students to his home to participate in experiencing Super Consciousness on the Spot with his third eye healing level 1 and level 2 healing event.  Some people believe Tony, the healing medium is an extraterrestrial being.  What do you think?

Opening your third eye chakra accurately expands your consciousness with Universal Core Healing on the Spot. Chakra Healing delivers potent special one-of-a-kind clairvoyance abilities. Eliminating decades and decades of waste time and effort. Universal Core Healing third eye chakra healing event gets right to the heart of things. Participants see dead people right in front of them on the spot!! They see Martin Luther King Jr, John F. Kennedy, Avatar Babaji, and many more spirit beings with their bare naked eye right in front of them.  He delivers strong powerful energies like no other! more info

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